Rhode Island Anti-NDAA Resolution Update.

Hello Folks,

Good news and a bit of mediocre. Today the Rhode Island resolution in opposition to the sections of NDAA of 2012 was submitted on the House floor today with 43 co-sponsors. (Only 38 yea votes are required for passage.) The moment was briefly spoiled when I was handed a letter from Steve Brown, the Executive Director of the Rhode Island chapter of the ACLU that stated he was opposed to the resolution. The reason given is that “the National ACLU has drafted its own resolution condemning the NDAA and is encouraging local affiliates to support versions of that [italics mine] one instead of the many alternative ones that are floating around.” A copy of the letter, and in my reading, flaccid draft, is available upon request.

The ACLU has proven themselves in this action to be nothing more than an ego-centric, partisan, disruption in what should be a matter that beckons all American’s support. It’s not about “look at me”. It’s about the Constitution and Freedom for all. More info soon.


Sign Me,


2 thoughts on “Rhode Island Anti-NDAA Resolution Update.

  1. I was so happy to come across this, and feel a little relieved that you are attempting to oppose NDAA p1021-1022. I feel like congress has gone mad!! I wonder how the public feels about new bill HR 347? I just don’t understand what is happening and how people aren’t outraged. I’m seriously considering moving out of country because these draconian measure are striking terror in me!

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